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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards


2022/2023 School Year

5th May 2023
The boys and girls loved dressing up in their fancy clothes, making crowns and dancing...
1st May 2023
We completed 10 laps around the school for our Sponsored Walk to help raise funds...
1st May 2023
Last Friday during P.E. the P7 class enjoyed their first archery lesson with Mrs...
1st May 2023
On Friday the whole school took part in a sponsored walk to help raise money for...
28th Apr 2023
Last term we completed our Castles Topic and our Activity Based Learning around...
28th Apr 2023
Lady Bowers would like to thank all her guests for making her banquet very special....
21st Apr 2023
18th Apr 2023
There is a link where parents can browse books and prices ahead of time to give...