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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards

News - Primary 5/6

2023/2024 School Year

20th Dec 2023
Well done to all of our amazing actors, singers and musicians in our Nativity performances...
1st Dec 2023
🤩 Christmas has arrived in P5/6 and so has their ELF! The children took some...
30th Nov 2023
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Our school marked St Andrew’s Day today, with...
10th Nov 2023
Today P5/6 read ‘In Flanders Fields’ by John McCrea. They then made Remembrance...
27th Oct 2023
P5/6 performed their sketch called ‘The Farmers and the Computer Store’...
17th Oct 2023
Today P5/6 visited the World War Two Museum in Belfast. They learned lots of interesting...
13th Oct 2023
During PDMU this week P5/6 were reflecting on their role models, their aspirations...
12th Oct 2023
Using electronic components, the children worked in pairs to build their own Morse...
9th Oct 2023
P5/6 have been learning about the Blitz and Evacuee Children. Take a look at some...
4th Oct 2023
The Fire Service visited our class to teach us all about fire safety. We learned...