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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards

School Uniform


The application form for Free School Uniform is now available on the EA website. Please follow the link below if you think you are entitled to this:



Grey skirt/trousers

White polo shirt with school logo

Red sweatshirt with school logo

White/grey socks or red/grey tights

Black shoes



Grey trousers

White polo shirt with school logo

Red sweatshirt with school logo

White/grey socks

Black shoes


PE Kit

White polo shirt with school logo

Red sweatshirt with school logo

Black tracksuit bottoms

Black or white trainers/PE Plimsolls

On PE days the children may wear their PE kit to school. Jewellery must not be worn during PE activities. 

Please ensure all uniform is labelled.


The school uniform is available from Signature Schools. Please click on the link below:


The IEF have provided the school with a small uniform grant. Please contact if you would like support to purchase our school uniform.