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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards


2016/2017 School Year

21st Nov 2016
On Friday 18th November, it was Children in Need day. This year, we were all asked...
21st Nov 2016
Our class was asked to take part in the Christmas Lantern Procession on Friday 25th...
19th Nov 2016
The South Eastern Region Sumdog Competition starts this Friday 25th November until...
18th Nov 2016
On Monday 7th November the P7's were delighted to have a visit from Catherine and...
14th Nov 2016
Patrick the artist visited our class today. We drew superhero versions of ourselves...
8th Nov 2016
David and Cathy from CRIS (Community Relations in Schools) stopped by to teach us...
28th Oct 2016
P3/4 have been busy writing poems about fireworks. They came up with some fantastic...
28th Oct 2016
Today our afterschool club choir sang to us in our morning assembly. They were lead...
27th Oct 2016
We were very lucky to have Patrick, an artist who works alongside CRIS (Community...
27th Oct 2016
We have spent weeks building, painting and preparing our volcanoes for eruption....