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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards


2019/2020 School Year

12th Feb 2020
P7 visited Donaghadee Primary School to meet up with the other pupils that they...
12th Feb 2020
The recycling bus paid a visit to the school and P7 joined with P5&6 to make...
11th Feb 2020
Today P3/4 learnt about how to stay safe on the internet. They made some very colourful...
11th Feb 2020
Last week, we had a visit from the recycling bus. P3/4 made masks from our cereal...
24th Jan 2020
Today P3/4 had an exciting trip to White Mountain Quarry. We got to learn what happens...
20th Dec 2019
Santa came around all of the classes and gave a present to each of the boys and...
20th Dec 2019
11th Dec 2019
The children had great fun celebrating and enjoying their Christmas dinner today.