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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards

Gymnastics fun

28th Feb 2025

P1/2 have been enjoying gymnastics in P.E. This week we made our own gymnastics routines using the balance beams.

In phonics P1 have been learning the sound 'b'. We designed our own bikes in class. P2 were learning the sound 'th'. We completed a sound search and discussed words that begin with and end with 'th'.

In numeracy P1 were practicing adding on 1 and 2 more. P2 continued to work on take away sums. This week in numeracy we explored measuring with cubes, our feet and our hands!

For literacy this week we read a fact book about whales. We looked at different pictures of whales' natural habitats and wrote a class acrostic poem together.

In art we discussed signs of Spring that will start to appear outside. We finger painted lupins and Spring flowers for our seasons board.

During PDMU we explored the sense of sight and drew lots of things we could see in the classroom.