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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards


2016/2017 School Year

24th Mar 2017
Today P3/4 had to show their measuring skills once again, but this time it was using...
23rd Mar 2017
We recorded special messages and a song for our mums!
16th Mar 2017
Everyone in P7 shared facts about St Patrick and performed a short play.
13th Mar 2017
People who help us is our topic at the minute so we had great fun setting up a fire...
13th Mar 2017
All the classes got a chance to help make the 2 new mosaic art pieces for the wall...
10th Mar 2017
Day 9 and Day 10 We all helped to put in the last few pieces and then we had to...
10th Mar 2017
Day 7 Some of our P3/4 children helping out on the big art project.  
10th Mar 2017
P3/4 have been having more fun this week making solid shapes with different...
7th Mar 2017
P5/6 children were involved today working on the Elmer mosaic.