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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards


2016/2017 School Year

6th Apr 2017
Rodney from Cool FM came to our school on Thursday 6th April. He had us in stitches...
6th Apr 2017
As part of our Ancient Egypt topic, we have been learning all about the art of mummification....
6th Apr 2017
With the Easter holidays approaching, we did some Easter-themed crafts in the class....
6th Apr 2017
One of the Loughries mums, Mary-Jo Petrie came into P1/2 to tell us all about her...
6th Apr 2017
For their last session of Monkeynastix, P1/2 got to play with the parachute...
4th Apr 2017
We had a visit from the dentist who talked to us about how important it is to look...
4th Apr 2017
We made delicious Strawberry Surprise at cookery club - yummy!
4th Apr 2017
As part of our 'People Who Help Us' topic, we had a visit from the Fire Brigade....
31st Mar 2017
On Friday 31st March, we wore add socks to school to raise money for the Integrated...
30th Mar 2017
Today Mrs Bowers got the opportunity to show off her skills at making toast! On Wednesday...