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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards


2019/2020 School Year

25th Oct 2019
P5/6 had the task of designing a board game to help them learn their times tables....
24th Oct 2019
P5/6 have been learning about World War Two this term. To conclude the topic they...
24th Oct 2019
Thank you to all the families who sent in food and toiletry items for our Harvest...
21st Oct 2019
P3/4 had a fantastic day at Castle Ward. We learnt all about apples. We drew apples...
21st Oct 2019
Here are some of our P7 children from last year accepting the  Integrated Education...
14th Oct 2019
On Friday P5/6 visited the National War Memorial Museum in Belfast. They learned...
11th Oct 2019
This term P3/4 have been working really hard during their visits to the Leisure...
11th Oct 2019
This term we have been looking at 2D Shapes and yesterday we had lots of fun making...
10th Oct 2019
As our numeracy topic focus at the minute is measuring and weighing, we did some...