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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards


2021/2022 School Year

11th Nov 2021
P5/6 we’re learning about the parts of a flower and their purpose.  After...
11th Nov 2021
P5/6 made some poppies using acrylic pens and stones to mark Remembrance Day. They...
22nd Oct 2021
Winner of the PTFA Colouring competition in P7. Thank you to the PTFA for organising...
21st Oct 2021
We used oil pastels to create some spooky Halloween houses. We blended colours which...
15th Oct 2021
P3/4 have been really busy this term. We have had taste, touch and smell experiments,...
15th Oct 2021
P3/4 have been practising their skipping skills in P.E. this term. They have been...