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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards

Ditch the dark!

24th Jan 2025

This week in P1/2 we enjoyed our 'Ditch the Dark' day. We all dressed up in bright, colourful clothes to learn about keeping safe when out in the dark. We learnt how to cross the road safely - "Stop, Look, Listen".

P1 learnt their new sound 'd' and drew some lovely habitats for dinosaurs. P2 were learning about the double 'ss' and double 'zz' sound.

In our cold lands topic work we were learning all about penguins. P1 made a penguin life cycle and P2 wrote amazing penguin fact files which they then presented to the class. We watched videos of penguins waddling through the snow and then we all had a go pretending to be penguins ourselves.

In P1/2 we created some class pictograms to display our favourite pets and favourite fruit.

During PDMU we continued to talk about our senses. This week we focussed on our sense of smell. P1/2 had to guess what was in the bag using only their noses.

This week in P.E. we continued our gymnastics skills; balancing along tightropes and learning safe landings when jumping from a height.