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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards

Back after half term

21st Feb 2025

This week in P1/2, P1 have been learning the sound 'k' and P2 have been learning 'ch'. We enjoyed making kicking kings and building words with the 'ch' sound.

Our literacy book this week was 'Naughty Narwhal'. We discussed what we would do if we were a narwhal for the day and then drew our favourite part of the story.

In numeracy we were exploring the concept of adding on and taking away. We played some fun games on the interactive whiteboard. 

This week we also enjoyed exploring measure. We experimented measurement using different objects - cubes and straws. We then had a hunt around the classroom to measure different items.

In P.E. we continued our gymnastics, using the balance beam and exploring the different ways we can roll.

On Friday we made some igloo cold lands art using lego bricks.

P1/2 are continuing to enjoy our cold land topic. We imagined what we would bring to the Antarctic if we were polar explorers.