Arts & crafts
This week P1/2 were very busy making and creating lots of craft. We used glitter to make snowflakes, created mosaic patterns on stockings and scrunched up tissue papers to decorate our robins.
In phonics P1 were learning all about the 'c' sound and decorated colourful clown masks. P2 worked really hard this week in their phonics, spelling words with 5 letters!
In numeracy we revised shape and made some colourful shape pictures.
During P.E. P1/2 imagined they were Mr Jelly and Mr Strong and made super jelly shapes.
In PDMU we spoke to Percy Pencil about things that make us worried or scared and all the people we can talk to that make us feel happy and safe.
Loughries Integrated Primary School, 2 Ballyblack Rd, Newtownards BT23 8SR
Telephone: 02891 817528