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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards


2016/2017 School Year

13th Feb 2017
In PDMU, we were learning about different feelings and this week was anger! We talked...
13th Feb 2017
We made some artwork for Valentines Day using hearts and paper.
10th Feb 2017
Did you know.... When marbles are made in a factory the small marbles and the large...
7th Feb 2017
Our current topic is Mighty Me and today we looked at the sense of touch....
7th Feb 2017
We celebrated 'Safer Internet Day' today, Tuesday 7th February. The theme was 'Be...
3rd Feb 2017
P3/4 have been doing a lot of measuring work this term and have had the...
27th Jan 2017
For Chinese New Year, P5/6 held a special assembly for the rest of the school. We...
27th Jan 2017
Today P3/4 decorated and made Chinese lanterns to celebrate the Chinese New Year...
18th Jan 2017
On our first day back at school after the Christmas holidays, we had a visit from...
6th Jan 2017
P3/4 have been learning about position, direction and movement. Today they had the...