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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards


2017/2018 School Year

27th Nov 2017
Mr Stewart set us a craft task to make rainforest animals out of paper plates. We...
21st Nov 2017
The P7 pupils have been solving investigations this week. The children were...
17th Nov 2017
Today Mrs Bowers was on break duty so we had to have a "Pudsey Party!!" Miss Law...
15th Nov 2017
Nanny from Mount Stewart came to show the P1/2 children some of the old toys that...
15th Nov 2017
Mary Millar from the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) came in to talk...
15th Nov 2017
Our new topic this term is Rainforests and we didn't have enough money, apparently,...
29th Oct 2017
The P7's enjoyed a trip to Mount Stewart. First of all the children dressed...
24th Oct 2017
P5/6 enjoyed learning about fire safety in the home and the risks associated with...
24th Oct 2017
We had a Teddy Bear day in P1/2. We each brought in our favourite bear and had so...
12th Oct 2017
The P7's were set the challenge of designing a poster to advertise our annual Fireworks...