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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards


2017/2018 School Year

26th Apr 2018
P5/6 were inspired by the art of Dawn Crothers and made snails from air-drying clay....
24th Apr 2018
Take a look at our budding eco-warriors, led by Miss Law. They worked in groups...
18th Apr 2018
Another lesson outside today, even though it wasn't sunny! This time, work on position...
16th Apr 2018
We took advantage of what felt like the first sunny day of 2018 to go outside to...
20th Mar 2018
The P7 children designed posters and discussed what Integration means to them. They...
15th Mar 2018
Today P3/4 became weather reporters and had a chance to forecast the weather for...
15th Mar 2018
Evan in P6's mum, who is a midwife, came into P1/2 to teach us all about looking...
13th Mar 2018
Miss Miller read the class the story of the Enormous Turnip, which we then got to...
13th Mar 2018
Our new topic in P1/2 is Growing and Spring. Here are some pictures of our play...
13th Mar 2018
P1/2 were concentrating on the number 8 and making 8 shapes using things in the...